Inner Teacher
Yoga & Coaching
2020 Vision(ary)
An 8-week series exploring the somatic experience of imagining a new paradigm.
Tuesdays 13 April-1 June
In the Zoom-iverse
Sessions will be recorded

The imagination is a powerful tool and one that is, perhaps, uniquely human. It is deeply connected to creativity and dreaming, and has the power to shift patterns in our brains; to rewire our brains and to bring us into a new way of being, a new paradigm. As a child you might recall getting lost in daydreams or creating worlds of dolls, blocks, dinosaurs, “imaginary” friends. Like any tool, when we don’t use it, it can become dull or sluggish. And how often, as an adult, have you gazed out a window simply allowing your mind to create a universe or built a fairy land sand castle with a fully developed back story and characters and…? (Anyone else want to go to the beach now? :-))
The paradigm, the way of being in which we live is guided by a set of ideas that as a society, we have accepted. In the West, and particularly in countries like the US, these include individualism, competition, scarcity, the list goes on. And in many cases we don’t just accept these, we’ve been taught to and do strive for them.
As we find ourselves solidly into 2021, with the great shake up of 2020, we have seen glimpses of shifts in this paradigm, and beyond that, more than glimpses of the desire to change the paradigm. That EXCITES me! Does it you?
In this 8 week series we will explore the imagination as a tool for creating and facilitating this shift. We will be guided by a different set of ideas to imagine existing in a new way. We will allow the body and sensations therein to guide us as we dive into a world we create.

This offering is open to all!
The investment:
Full Price: $150 (~$19/session) pays for yourself
*if you are not working or have other financial challenges, please message Jess!*​
It is important that this work is accessible to YOU!
Scholarship Price: $200 ($25/session) pays for yourself and helps cover someone else

~a quiet space where you ideally won’t be interrupted by human or animal roommates
~a comfortable space where you can sit or lie (think a meditation type space)
~a journal and pen
~an open and curious mind and heart
From Victoria, a past 2020 Vision(ary) participant:
This was a truly beautiful and valuable experience that I would participate in all over again! Jess has a gift of holding space and guiding other in deep and meaningful work. I felt very safe to dive in to the work. It very quickly become a grounding point in my week that I looked forward to joining. It is a blessing to be able to create community to have weekly check ins and share moments of awakened awareness and be witnessed in the ah ha moments! I feel like this program really helped me use my imagination around different qualities and then bring new layers of awareness that help me notice when they were happening day to day. This course is a must do!!